Originally posted by red_n_black_attack
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1/2: MAW, DaVeon, Jizzle
2: CJ
2/3: Skillings, Newman, Rayvon
3/4: Reed
4/5: Vik, Ody
5: Reynolds, Sage
Looking at that list, I'd say a big 3/4 wing who can score would be what we (and pretty much every other team in the country) are looking for. Especially as there might be concerns Reynolds won't get get a waiver. Someone who can play the 3, but also help out at the 4 if Reynolds doesn't get a waiver, there's foul trouble or in case of injuries. If Wes is confident Reed can contribute a reliable 10-15 minutes as a backup 4 when needed, it opens up more to taking the best player available. My second choice would be a developmental 4/5 since Vik, Ody and Reynolds (if he gets a waiver) are all pretty close to graduating.
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