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Fate of the Big East and Prediction

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  • Fate of the Big East and Prediction

    After countless hours of observing what is happening to the college landscape again I think I've come with a rational prediction for what the fate of the Big East holds (On a side note, I should really work on a different hobby other than Bearcat Sports).

    Football Side
    I think it is all but written the Big East football side will be finished off soon (possibly as early as July when the new format for the BCS is revealed). Once this format is revealed I see Clemson, FSU, Miami, Va Tech and NC State bolting for the Big 12 and SEC. This will be due in large part to money and the belief that being in one of the 'Big 4' conferences guarantees you a seat at that playoff table should they win it. With four defections from the ACC this creates an opening of 4-6 teams. My belief being they will go 16 to bolster the ranks. These four teams will most certainly all be BE teams. They would go UConn, Rutgers, Cincinnati, and UL. Now this is assuming all the teams from the BE would actually go to the ACC. There is a very good chance the B10 would be proactive and grab Rutgers and ATTEMPT to gain ND.

    This would result in a basketball powerhouse in the ACC. We thought the BE was the best thing ever seen when it was reformed in 05. This new ACC would make that Big East look timid. On the football side it wouldn't be half bad either. The football side would be the little brother who is constantly being a thorn in the side of the Big 4 football conferences. Also, it would be a GREAT Fit for UC and would leave us a better shot at actually making a BCS playoff.

    The new ACC would be-Duke, UNC, WFU, Maryland, BC, Pitt, Cuse, Ga Tech, Virginia and either Miami/NC State. Throw in UL, UConn, Rutgers, UC, and possibly USF and another.

    Basketball Side of Things.
    This is where I've noticed things getting interesting. The A10 has bolstered itself the last few weeks adding VCU and Butler. This makes them much stronger in numbers and I believe they have added these teams for several reasons. The first is money (I know, I know...stunning observation), other is to bolster the conference for the NCAA's. The real reason I believe they have been so proactive and have dominated realignment on the basketball side of things is for one huge reason....

    They are getting ready for the final destruction of the Big East

    When the Big East gets robbed of its football schools (and its happening...I have no doubt in my mind. The question has gone from if to when) the basketball schools were going to be left behind. The basketball schools by themselves aren't nearly as attractive without their football brethren, but still an attractive lot nonetheless. The A10 surely would have been poached as it is the best 'Mid Major' conference in the Eastern US and offers promising teams such as Xavier, Dayton, St. Louis, St. Joes, (formerly) Temple, and even Richmond. Xavier, Dayton, SLU and St Joes would have been on the short list of the remaining Big East basketball schools. Throw in Butler and VCU..suddenly you have a top notch private school basketball league.

    With the A10 grabbing VCU and Butler they have flipped the script with the soon to be Basketball Only Big East. They have an enticing league with solid teams. Not to mention they'll be playing a conference tournament in NYC at the Barclay's center starting next year (And I'm the first to admit I laughed when I heard the A10 moved the conference tourney to NYC. I thought they planned on giving away free tickets).

    So now what the A10 can do is go to schools like Marquette, Villanova, and Georgetown and go after them instead of it being vice versa.

    There are so many scenarios that can play out. But I think the A10 has clearly had a proactive concept (proactive...a word that is foreign to the Big East front office) and saw that when the Big East meets its demise and the football schools break off, the BE Bball schools would come to poach the A10. Now the A10 has a very real chance at putting a final dagger in the Big East or pulling off a merger of sorts.

    Bottom line...It's about to get crazy. The Florida State president was too late and was to clueless sounding to calm the waters. The conference realignment drums have begun beating again.
    Last edited by GoUC11; 05-14-2012, 08:10 PM.

  • #2
    The A10 analysis is quite astute...


    • #3
      Well I never thought the words 'A10' and 'good' would ever belong in the name sentence.

      I'm not sure the moves are enough to fend off a basketball-only Big East. But it certainly gives them more than a fighting chance.

      I think in the worst case scenario they go under a sort of merger between the two and a handful of A10 teams get left to the dirt of the CAA, Horizon, OVC, and other conferences that have no business receiving a tournament bid.


      • #4
        I don't think you're that far off and frankly I kind of like it. UC in the ACC isn't too bad of a deal. It would be a balanced conference (i.e. all schools fielding football and basketball teams) and a large conference if the 16 team scenario plays out. With the historical dominance of the basketball programs I feel like it's a good fit. After all, let's face it, basketball is UC's claim to fame.

        One other thing, I think should Notre Dame believe they have no option but to join a conference I see them headed to the ACC. They've put off the Big Ten for too long for it to simply be a matter of remaining independent. I've heard all the arguments about the AAU membership and the geographic proximity etc. and it all makes sense on the surface. It almost makes too much sense that I believe ND is reluctant to go forward with it for a reason that is much more important to them. I don't think ND is willing to have their football team at parity or worse yet play second fiddle to any other football program in the same conference.

        The Big Ten has been and will continue to be about Ohio State and Michigan. These two programs are the face of the conference and they have greater representation in the conference board rooms when decisions are made. Notre Dame would potentially have to share dominance with these two programs and possibly even take a back seat at times as the conference moves in directions that favor Ohio State and Michigan. I don't believe the administrators at ND are willing to make that compromise and that ND will go to the conference that gives them the biggest voice in conference matters. In my opinion that looks like the ACC which would be more than happy to welcome a fellow academic-focused institution with the fan following and legacy of Notre Dame. Notre Dame would instantly be the premier football program in the league and might finally raise the ACC to legitimacy and relevance in the eyes of many fans across the country.
        "In the morning he would read the Bible with another coach. Then, in the afternoon, he would go out and cheat kids who had probably saved up money from mowing lawns to buy those raffle tickets. That's Jim Tressel." - former colleague to Jim Tressel as quoted in Sports Illustrated.


        • #5
          Your prediction seems right on considering this:

          The SEC and B12 are forming their own version of the Rose Bowl. I assume their expectation is that the winners of the Rose Bowl and this game would play for the NC. I really hope this isn't the supposed playoff system that will replace the BCS.



          • #6
            The ACC getting raided like a bar at last call is in all likelihood the best scenario for UC. It almost inevitably opens up a door for an ACC bid. And the ACC will be looking at more of quality than market. If you are looking at Rutgers, UConn and UC and who hast the best chance of bolstering the conferences image against the Big 4...its a no brainer (I'm a homer I know, but facts are facts. Rutgers also severely lacks the basketball commitment they desire)

            If we had a choice between the Big 12 and ACC (I don't think that would happen. Its an either/or scenario IMO) I'm not sure I would pick the Big 12. I get that it would hold more financial advantages in terms of TV revenue and a punched ticket to the football playoff starting in 2014 should we ever run the table. However, what is the likelihood tha we could run the table in the Big 12 in the near future. Do I think we can compete and compete well? Sure I do. We would be very capable of having a Baylor or Texas Tech like season (when they lost 1 game to OU a few years back).

            But in often would we truly compete for a Big 12 title with the likes of Texas and OU? I think WVU will find out-not often. Not to mention the bloated travel budget that would result.

            The ACC would lack the football prowess, but still be much more respectable then the current Big East. And we would have a much better chance at running the table in the conference. Should you run the table in the new ACC you have a very real shot at being included in the 4 team playoff. Lets face it, the Pac12 wouldn't be much better than the new ACC. I'd venture to say it would even be on par with the Big 10 (who in my mind has lived on the ghost of the past for far to long anyway).

            And we would save a BOATLOAD on travel expenses and still have a pretty nice TV deal to boot.

            And the basketball...well it wouldn't suck-thats for certain


            • #7
              Big East AND ACC are toast in football. Only option is save BB by getting it in the best conference possible (ACC) and hope like **** that conference can get a decent bowl tie-in, which isnt likely.

              FSU will go to Big 12, as well as Miami and probably ND.

              The Big East will be dead, dead, dead, and if we get left behind, you could see basketball really suffer as well. These are scary times.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bobestes View Post
                Big East AND ACC are toast in football. Only option is save BB by getting it in the best conference possible (ACC) and hope like **** that conference can get a decent bowl tie-in, which isnt likely.

                FSU will go to Big 12, as well as Miami and probably ND.

                The Big East will be dead, dead, dead, and if we get left behind, you could see basketball really suffer as well. These are scary times.
                We won't get left behind in a reconfigured Big East. They would NEED us for the sake of football perception. I don't believe ND will wind up in the B12 (little to no cultural fit. And for ND that matters). ND would wind up in the B1G or ACC.

                This line up isn't a bad football conference if the teams you said do leave (which I believe they will)

                1. NC State
                2. Virginia
                3. Wake Forest
                4. Pitt
                5. Syracuse
                6. North Carolina
                7. Maryland
                8. Ga Tech
                9. BC
                10. Duke
                11. UConn
                12. Rutgers
                13. Cincinnati
                14. Louisville or USF

                Is it is good as the Big 12 or SEC? Of course not. Could it more than compete with the Big 10 or Pac 12? I'll bet my bottom dollar it will. Would a 11-1 or 12-0 team get in the Big 4 playoff. I think so. Imagine the outcry that would result of the BCS being even more 'exclusive' than it was in the past.

                Bowls wouldn't ignore this conference. The Orange Bowl would still be there. Along with a lot of other bowls.


                • #9
                  With this Big12-SEC and Pac10-Big10 alignment, the best the ACC can hope for is, what, an Orange Bowl featuring the best ACC team vs. the best Big East team? That's brutal.

                  The reason why the ACC is going to be left out is b/c this is turning into a four power conference world. Presently, the ACC will be #5 (odd man out) and the Big East, #6. Assuming that the Big East exists after the ACC raids it yet again.

                  It's a very real possibility that the 4 power conferences get together, say "let's have a playoff amongst ourselves", leaving the ACC and Big East out in the cold. Anyway, don't say I didn't warn you.

                  Originally posted by GoUC11 View Post
                  We won't get left behind in a reconfigured Big East. They would NEED us for the sake of football perception. I don't believe ND will wind up in the B12 (little to no cultural fit. And for ND that matters). ND would wind up in the B1G or ACC.

                  This line up isn't a bad football conference if the teams you said do leave (which I believe they will)

                  1. NC State
                  2. Virginia
                  3. Wake Forest
                  4. Pitt
                  5. Syracuse
                  6. North Carolina
                  7. Maryland
                  8. Ga Tech
                  9. BC
                  10. Duke
                  11. UConn
                  12. Rutgers
                  13. Cincinnati
                  14. Louisville or USF

                  Is it is good as the Big 12 or SEC? Of course not. Could it more than compete with the Big 10 or Pac 12? I'll bet my bottom dollar it will. Would a 11-1 or 12-0 team get in the Big 4 playoff. I think so. Imagine the outcry that would result of the BCS being even more 'exclusive' than it was in the past.

                  Bowls wouldn't ignore this conference. The Orange Bowl would still be there. Along with a lot of other bowls.


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