When a university or conference, especially one that has fallen on hard times like a Bowery Street beggar, is looking for new leadership, few phrases excite the masses more than this: We are going to conduct a national search to find the best candidate — a man of vision, passion, intelligence, leadership and the ability to communicate.
The Big East is in the final stage of such a search. It needs a new commissioner, one who can hold together this Brady Bunch-like family.
Joe Bailey, the interim commissioner, said Tuesday the league will have a new commissioner in place by the end of August. He said the league’s search firm, Russell Reynolds Associates, has trimmed a list of 200 national candidates to five. Sources said the new commish could be a university president or a marketing guru or a sports executive outside of football.
The Big East is in the final stage of such a search. It needs a new commissioner, one who can hold together this Brady Bunch-like family.
Joe Bailey, the interim commissioner, said Tuesday the league will have a new commissioner in place by the end of August. He said the league’s search firm, Russell Reynolds Associates, has trimmed a list of 200 national candidates to five. Sources said the new commish could be a university president or a marketing guru or a sports executive outside of football.