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Very Funny Basketball Chant..

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  • Very Funny Basketball Chant..

    I was watching the Vanderbilt vs Kentucky basketball game tonight and noticed when a Kentucky player fouled out the crowd chanted left or right depending on which foot he was stepping down on everytime the player took a step back until he sat down in which the crowd cheered. Never heard that one before and thought it was amusing.

  • #2
    I've heard that one a few times before and I too find it pretty funny. I forget which school it was earlier this year, but during one game I was watching, I think the entire crowd got into it because it was LOUD!
    I wish our student section was more clever than they are. Currently, when someone fouls, they do the stupid YOU YOU YOU YOU CCCCCCC!!!! When someone fouls out, it's like most of the students don't really understand what just happened. A couple of them try na na na na na na na na hey hey hey good bye, but it just doesn't work.
    I guess we can't expect much from an organized student section (the den) that struggles to get 50 kids to show up.


    • #3
      We do that at Indiana too, and we don't have an actually organized student section though a ton more student fans.


      • #4
        1. its you you you SUCK! now
        2. when player fouls cyclones when go to penalty box. ooooooooooooo cya!

        and whoever started this thread must not watch basketball that often cause left right left is done everywhere like every night


        • #5
          wow, cool, what else do the students do wrong?


          • #6
            by the way, theres no rules against the "fans" cheering and doing chants like this. i was in arizona this past weekend and went to game vs ucla and you had the guys in upper deck screaming fight song and defense and other suchs chants. it was remarkable.
            when that happens here, itll be acceptable to rip on students. until than, unless you yourself is cheering, and there arent many, with all do respect, you are all hypocrites for bashing the ones trying to cheer. whether cheers are stupid or not. and some are and i do them anyways because we need something going
            Last edited by thebearcat; 02-18-2009, 04:20 PM.


            • #7
              The students are supposed to be the most vocal of the fans. Football and basketball. This is not news to anyone. Our students are great at the football games, but at basketball games, they suck. Sorry if it offends anyone, but it is just not that impressive when there are 5 or 6 rows of kids who actually try to cheer during a game. Our student section is a joke.
              Glad to hear that they switched back to saying "suck" rather than "c".


              • #8
                it is a pretty funny chant, the "left, right, left, right" thing... we (the rallycats) did that at some of the soccer and volleyball games this year... havent seen anyone try it at a basketball game though, it would be funny...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by catscratchfever View Post
                  I guess we can't expect much from an organized student section (the den) that struggles to get 50 kids to show up.

                  We average 150 during Big East play, 300 for bigger games. Our attendance reflects the overall student attendance/interest this season.

                  We offer an option to any UC student interested that includes a guaranteed seat, a t-shirt (meant to unify) and an easy process for reserving your tickets. Our main focus this season is getting students to the games, not necessarily coordinating cheers. We do everything we can to get students to show up, but we can't force them to come.

                  This stigma of blaming The DEN for all of the problems in the student section is misleading. We are doing everything possible to get students out to games. If you are a student and have suggestions for improving the student section and/or The DEN, then be pro-active and help towards creating a better section.

                  As always, you can contact The DEN by emailing We hold weekly executive meetings and are always looking for some positive input. If you are a student interested in attending email us and we will provide the specific details.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MrBearcat View Post

                    We average 150 during Big East play, 300 for bigger games. Our attendance reflects the overall student attendance/interest this season.

                    We offer an option to any UC student interested that includes a guaranteed seat, a t-shirt (meant to unify) and an easy process for reserving your tickets. Our main focus this season is getting students to the games, not necessarily coordinating cheers. We do everything we can to get students to show up, but we can't force them to come.

                    This stigma of blaming The DEN for all of the problems in the student section is misleading. We are doing everything possible to get students out to games. If you are a student and have suggestions for improving the student section and/or The DEN, then be pro-active and help towards creating a better section.

                    As always, you can contact The DEN by emailing We hold weekly executive meetings and are always looking for some positive input. If you are a student interested in attending email us and we will provide the specific details.
                    I like the idea of the Den alot! I just think the guaranteed ticket part of the equation is hurting overall student attendence. I think the university is making a good move by going back to the old method of students getting tickets, as opposed to what we have had for the last few years with the online ticketing. I graduated a few years back, and I realize having a top 25 team is a big factor, but it just seems like the student section could be alot better. When you give out tickets based on a first come/first served basis, you get a more energetic student base closer to the floor. At recent games, the end zone opposite the den has been nearly full, but it is obvious on the den side that there is a block of tickets reserved with many no-shows.
                    Not trying to jump on the den, but I just think it needs some adjustments.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by thebearcat View Post
                      1. its you you you SUCK! now
                      2. when player fouls cyclones when go to penalty box. ooooooooooooo cya!

                      and whoever started this thread must not watch basketball that often cause left right left is done everywhere like every night

                      Well my bad i work night's and can't sit at the bar or on my couch and watch EVERY basketball game and keep my ears glued to what the crowd is chanting.. Sorry if my Post wasn't up to your par..


                      • #12
                        The no-shows are frustrating, I definitely agree there. Our model is loosely based on the Izzone at Michigan state. (We've had a few discussions with their leadership over the last few years) The issue is that their demand for student tickets is sky high, ours is not. We promoted and offered the 'guaranteed' ticket this season because we thought demand would be up. It is, but not enough.

                        It's promising actually that they are starting to give out student tickets in person again. It used to be set-up so DEN Members could order their tickets online earlier than the scheduled release date as a benefit. (3-5 days earlier) But the online system was such a hassle we decided to head in another direction this year. Members can now email com with the list of games they wish to attend at any time as long as it is 10 days in advance of the game.

                        I agree that adjustments are needed, and we are always trying to find the best means to make it successful. Ultimately, we just want to see the student section full and everyone unified every game. The DEN and the shirt are just the medium for unifying the students and visibly showing it. We're trying to do whatever possible to achieve that goal.


                        • #13
                          Let me first say that the best thing that could happen for student re-energization for basketball is to go to the NIT. You're talking 3-4 more home games against decently historical teams that feel like the post season, but don't require travel to some far off place.

                          But to address the concerns made above,

                          Letting students get tickets on demand for each game on an individual basis inevitably makes it so that the early games aren't attended at all, and conference games that matter but aren't exciting matchups - i.e. providence - are also lightly attended. The DEN will continue to grow as there is more demand for tickets and the athletic department decides which seats are going to be student seats, and as demand increases students will have to go to the earlier games if they want to go to UofL, that has to be the reality. Right now, there are 6 student sections with front row seats that are also about 20+ rows deep. That diffuses demand when the seats are pretty much the same.

                          The DEN was also conceived a replacement for the RallyCats section which had become increasingly negative and segregated from the rest of the student body, while not giving away its entire allotment (of 100) even during the last good run the team had in 2003-04. In this regard, the DEN has been a success.

                          Student support of the Basketball Team is still adjusting to the euphoria over football. Never before has basketball had to wait until the end of bowl season to get its attention - football used to just be something you might go to, maybe, if you had some time, to tide you over until basketball - which traditionally started only about a month after the start of school. The teams we played this year didn't help much, combined with the only big game being after students had left for the holiday doesn't get the students riled up.

                          The loss of Midnight Madness as a unique marquee event really hurts here. Now it's some afternoon afterthought to a football game. That's not good. The DEN has done a good job of getting attention focused and prepared among the student body for basketball season, getting 1000+ paying members last year, but DEN attendance numbers can be misleading becase there is not high demand for seats - i.e. you don't have to go through the den to get a ticket, but you might be more likely to go because you know about it. The Den's resources are pithy, and the athletic department doesn't think it should exist, so wait to pass judgement on the viability of a unified student section until there is very high demand. It will prove its usefulness in time.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 08bearcat View Post
                            Let me first say that the best thing that could happen for student re-energization for basketball is to go to the NIT. You're talking 3-4 more home games against decently historical teams that feel like the post season, but don't require travel to some far off place.
                            Based on our attendance this year we would be lucky host one home game in the NIT.


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