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2023-24 Roster

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  • Lobot
    Originally posted by bearcated View Post

    Foolishness? Maybe rolling the dice and hoping the NCAA would not actually enforce the new rule? Desperation? I could see maybe rolling the dice on one guy, but on two of them? Good luck.
    I think both guys were worth the risk. Thta said, I don't think we're going to get good news here without the players filing lawsuits. Not sure that would be really in anyone's best interests long term. See: Wiseman, James.

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  • bearcated
    Originally posted by leeraymond View Post

    What do you think was the rationale why the coaching staff would take these types of gambles on the two big men? I can see gambling with one roster spot, but gambling with two roster spots? What is the plan B if neither player is eligible? As far as I can tell, these NCAA rule changes have been in place at least since late March. I guess the plan B will be to use Tolentino as the back-up big man. Wow!! Maybe the coaching staff knows something, or are playing an angle, that no one else has thought of. I hope so because UC can really use both big men; especially Bandaogo because he can play the 4 and the 5. If UC can keep its roster intact for next season, they are going to have a MONSTER team. Here is hoping that everything works out to UC's advantage.
    Foolishness? Maybe rolling the dice and hoping the NCAA would not actually enforce the new rule? Desperation? I could see maybe rolling the dice on one guy, but on two of them? Good luck.

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  • GoBearcats31
    New grad transfer walk-on via Ohio Northern via Mason High School - Landen Long

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  • Oldtimer_UC_fan
    Originally posted by coach View Post
    Evidently from some folks who have seen him play the past couple weeks, the Temple transfer Jamille Reynolds looks really good. He's down about 20lbs., and looks much more agile offensively than what he was. Good news.
    Where is he playing?

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  • coach
    Evidently from some folks who have seen him play the past couple weeks, the Temple transfer Jamille Reynolds looks really good. He's down about 20lbs., and looks much more agile offensively than what he was. Good news.

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  • Dr.kenneth noisewater
    I think coach has proven he can recruit. Now can he develop talent and coach? Big time basketball coming up. If we get buried early it will be difficult getting back.

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  • BearKatz

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  • GoBearcats31

    0 Dan Skillings
    1 DaVeon Thomas
    2 Jizzle James
    3 Rayvon Griffith
    5 CJ Fredrick
    10 Josh Reed -- changed from 13
    (11 CJ Anthony)
    13 Jamille Reynolds
    15 John Newman
    (21 Chase Kirkwood)
    30 Viktor Lakhin
    33 Ody Oguama
    41 Simas Lukosius
    44 Sage Tolentino
    55 Aziz Bandaogo

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  • Lobot
    First order of business would be having NIL $ to get the guy to come here rather than hit the draft. People are telling me we don't have it currently.

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  • swilsonsp4
    Originally posted by zykarious View Post

    Process of elimination.

    It's past the date for an automatic transfer, so Sage and Reed would have to sit a year if they transfer now, so it can't be one of them.

    The options left would be Newman, Simas, Reynolds and/ Aziz. Process of elimination, Newman would seem like the obvious answer. Simas would be a possibility as well, Philips would almost certainly be coming in to play the 3 and Simas may not want the reduced role that brings. Reynolds/Aziz are an outside shot, that if one of them doesn't get a waiver Wes says we've moving on. Seems unlikely though.
    The problem with any of these players is that, not only would they have to sit out, they'd have to do so on their own dime. Phillips would be taking up a scholarship, of which there are none available at present.

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  • zykarious
    Originally posted by Oldtimer_UC_fan View Post
    Who would be the odd man out if we landed Phillips?
    Process of elimination.

    It's past the date for an automatic transfer, so Sage and Reed would have to sit a year if they transfer now, so it can't be one of them.

    The options left would be Newman, Simas, Reynolds and/ Aziz. Process of elimination, Newman would seem like the obvious answer. Simas would be a possibility as well, Philips would almost certainly be coming in to play the 3 and Simas may not want the reduced role that brings. Reynolds/Aziz are an outside shot, that if one of them doesn't get a waiver Wes says we've moving on. Seems unlikely though.

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  • BearKatz
    Originally posted by Oldtimer_UC_fan View Post
    Who would be the odd man out if we landed Phillips?

    My first guess would be Newman or Tolentino.

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  • Oldtimer_UC_fan
    Who would be the odd man out if we landed Phillips?

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  • BearKatz
    Originally posted by leeraymond View Post

    If UC can keep everybody eligible and healthy for the upcoming season, they are going to have a MONSTER team. Wow!!! Also, only one player on the team is NOT a Miller recruit, Lakhin.

    The roster has really shaped up nicely over the last (3)wks... We have a helluva Front Court now ranging from 6'.9" to 7'.1" in height.. It's been a while since we've had that deep of a front court with that height.

    It's a LONGSHOT, but if we landed Julian Philips from TN, this will be an outstanding roster... Even without him! KY is the favorite, that's why I said longshot!

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  • leeraymond
    Originally posted by GoBearcats31 View Post
    Listed heights of projected 2023-24 squad:

    6'0 Day Day Thomas
    6'1 Jizzle James
    6'3 CJ Fredrick
    6'5 John Newman
    6'6 Dan Skillings
    6'7 Rayvon Griffith
    6'7 Simas Lukosius
    6'7 Josh Reed
    6'9 Ody Oguama
    6'10 Jamille Reynolds
    6'11 Viktor Lakhin
    7'0 Aziz Bandaogo
    7'1 Sage Tolentino
    If UC can keep everybody eligible and healthy for the upcoming season, they are going to have a MONSTER team. Wow!!! Also, only one player on the team is NOT a Miller recruit, Lakhin.
    Last edited by leeraymond; 05-26-2023, 11:03 AM.

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