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Is Reallignment On The Horizon?
Is Reallignment On The Horizon?
I know this subject has been hashed and rehashed, but I am compelled to ask again. I hate to say it, but my support hinges on this subject. I can't help but feel that, presently, UC is treading water in the ocean of money filled with sharks of all kinds. My days are running out, as I wait for UC to be included with the Big Boys. Also, I have a feeling I'm not alone. I am tired of acting like we are one of them, when in reality we are no better off then Southern Miss, Tulane, Toledo, or Ball State. I need a carrot thrown my way. I want to believe! I don't even care if it's a rumor--give me something!Tags: None
Originally posted by Rational Cat View Post
I hope conference realignment isn't over. I don't want to stay in the American especially in football. We will become irrelevant in football if we stay there. Whatever needs to happen I wish it would hurry up and get started!!!
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Originally posted by bearcatbret View PostI thought that the NCAA was going to rule on the conference championship game this past December. What is their time frame for this?
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I thought that the NCAA was going to rule on the conference championship game this past December. What is their time frame for this?
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Originally posted by longtimefan View Postall it took to get Deloss Dodds to throw the support of the almighty University of Texas behind you was getting him liquored up on tequila shots."
Until there is a decision on having a conference football championship game to get into the four game play-off, the Big 12 will not budge. I am hoping that Maryland wins their case and the BIG takes a few stars from the ACC.
Then the SEC and Big12 take a few more of their stars. It's really looking like the Power Five will be Super Four. I just hope Bohn is reaching out to, meeting with, picking up the drinks tab with every contact he has, including the networks.
The AAC is ok for basketball, but so is the MEAC, MCC, Sun Belt, A-10, Big East, and C-USA. Cincinnati is a top football school, not yet and maybe never elite, but better than half of the schools in a Power/Super Conference.
Bottom line - We can compete and bring revenue to the table with our school size and large alumni base.
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Originally posted by longtimefan View Post
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So when does the conference alignment ball start rolling again? I would think with the championship decided it would've started. Been really quiet on that front.
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I've opened a a new thread in the general forum about Whit and VT. Some are saying he hasn't applied and some are saying he hasn't.
Here's a link to the new thread.
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Originally posted by CincyBearcat95 View PostI hopefully this is a rumor only and he is not interviewing. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Babcock leaving would definitely hurt and would be a bad sign. However, it wouldn't stop us from getting an offer when the moves start again and they will at some point.
Hard to gain any traction and try to move forward when we keep having university presidents, AD's, and football coaches quit and have to hire new ones.
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Va Tech is a great school with more resources if you want to live in a rural setting. I would not fault him or anyone else for looking at opportunities to better than pay/position, etc.. it come with the territory. I, for one, do not believe there is anything on the conference front that he or anyone else around here knows. I think they are operating under making the current situation the best they can so as to further position the school if something breaks.
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It would be a move to Virginia Tech, but I haven't heard any real rumblings about it. Just a single mention in a local paper.
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I didn't see a thing in that article that leads me to believe he's interviewing. He's on someone's short list. A move to UConn would be a lateral one IMO. Just don't see it happening.
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