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More proof the Big 12 needs to add us!!
Originally posted by Bearcats1232002 View Post"Unfortunately, Cincinnati’s football team is at best No. 4 in the city’s sports pecking order behind Ohio State, the Bengals and the Reds."
Are we behind OSU in this city? I know there are some OSU fans in this city but most people I know hate OSU and want them to lose. They are not all Bearcat fans either that hate them.Last edited by longtimefan; 06-24-2015, 10:20 PM.
Stewart Mandel @slmandel 2h2 hours ago
As others have noted, significant revelation today about the Big 12's TV deal. If everyone's share is guaranteed, expansion far more viable
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I believe there was a poll or survey done not too long ago and UC was by far the most popular college sports team in the area. There wasn't even a close second. I'm not sure any sports pecking order (real or perceived) would have any influence on a P5 invite anyway.
"Unfortunately, Cincinnati’s football team is at best No. 4 in the city’s sports pecking order behind Ohio State, the Bengals and the Reds."
Even if this statement were true (and it's not), UC Football is in great position to grow their brand and popularity in this region, especially if they can land in a P5 Conference soon. In addition to their vastly improved facilities, UC Football could benefit locally from the Red's rapid decline and the Bengals........well....the Bengals are the Bengals.
Having said that, we need to win and beat some people we aren't supposed to beat and I think Nippert will be packed every Saturday.
huber: Oklahoma President David Boren Wants a 12-team Big 12
The Oklahoman broke news today that may be interesting to Bearcat fans... Oklahoma president David Boren wants the 10-team Big 12 to add two teams. He wants a 12-team Big 12.
"I think it's something we should strive for while we have the time, stability, all of that to look and be choosy," Boren said. "(We) can be very selective about who we want to add. It would have to add value to the conference. I think we should."
I suspect the Big 12 will implode due to Texas/LHN and Bowlsby's refusal to acknowledge the obvious. If someone can get Texas out of it's own way, it would defenitely be a worthwhile conference to be in. I think the other realistic option is probably that Texas and OU go to the Big 10 and the rest of the conference adds 4 teams to stay alive as a conference. If that happens we're going to get a P4.Last edited by Lobot; 06-27-2015, 11:10 AM.Brent Wyrick
92 Final Four Front Row
Originally posted by bearcatbret View PostTexas is now on the out looking in. They either need to embrace their existing conference or move to one of the other p5. If they move, it will become a p4 game.
I don't know if that is a good thing or not. If it ever gets to a power 4 situation then I think we are permanently on the outside looking in. I don't believe we would get in a power 4 conference unless they threw an existing power 5 team out of its conference and invite us and I don't think that would happen.
Originally posted by bearcatbret View PostTexas is now on the out looking in. They either need to embrace their existing conference or move to one of the other p5. If they move, it will become a p4 game.
If you think about it, the Big 12 isn't really a "conference" in the truest sense of the word........its really the University of Texas and a collection of other schools that they tolerate for their own benefit.
I think you're right, Texas is more likely to try and play the de facto independent card like an nd rather than go the a conference like the B10. I think the reality is that the other schools in the b12 realize they are kind of on borrowed time with their tv money unless they do more to spread their footprint and overall national appeal. It obviously draws well in it's current 10 team format, but tv ratings are not where they could/should be. The playoff snub is just kind of another irritating burr in their saddle. It seems with the exception of texas, the other have a genuine interest in keeping it together for obvious regional/rivalry reasons. However, trying to add more teams in their areas are non starters given it will not change the tv situation. We'll see, but i wouldn't rule out a texas only split, and the remainder try to expand. It doesn't get a lot of play, but i do not think it's out of the question.
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