The obsession with the $. Greed is indeed the worst vice. Saturday NFL, here we come. Tallahassee to Eugene, LA to Ohio/Michigan, could we create any worse conditions for the well-being of student/athletes (wait, they’re paid, they’re employees, coming soon are unions for these teams who will negotiate directly with the BOR’s) who will have enough skymiles to fund a small country’s travel for a decade.
Tradition doesn’t sell enough anymore as TV runs the show. Streaming will continue to be negatively rep’d by the wealthy as they see their precious millions at risk. We need all time zones! We need kickoffs from noon to 10pm, we need …..just wow. As I gain more circles around the sun, my interest in walking down the street to watch the local high school sports teams increases.
Tradition doesn’t sell enough anymore as TV runs the show. Streaming will continue to be negatively rep’d by the wealthy as they see their precious millions at risk. We need all time zones! We need kickoffs from noon to 10pm, we need …..just wow. As I gain more circles around the sun, my interest in walking down the street to watch the local high school sports teams increases.